
Origin: Chapter 7

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text


Chapter 7: Upgrades

We advanced up the mountain on a diagonal angle, staying close to the tree line. Snow from Neval kept kicking up into my face, so I sped up and ran alongside him. We slowed once we neared the top of the mountain in order to not careen over the top the ridge. The other side of the mountain was visually similar to my side, with the same general slopes and ridges, though the slope at the top was a steep drop-off— 60 degrees from the horizontal—and not traversable by foot. Falling was fatal for a human, even with all this snow. Fortunately, my body wasn't human anymore.

Neval's voice interrupted my thoughts. "We must not waste time!"

I had stopped and was staring. To my right, Neval made his way down a smaller ridge branching off the main ridge. It wasn't quite as steep as the rest of the mountaintop. I glanced at the bottom of the slope, where it wasn't so steep.

"Why don't I meet you down there?" I said, pointing.

"No, it would be wise to follow me. We do not want to cause an avalanche."

"Fine," I mumbled, following in his footsteps.

Partway down the ridge, a question nagged at my mind the more I kept it in. "We're going to your ship, right?"


"So why did you park it all the way over here, on the other side of the mountain? There's plenty of space near my spot."

Neval took a few seconds to respond. "To shorten the story, I followed you after you left your home. When you settled here for the night, I was uncertain of whether you had planned to take refuge here, or if you were resting for the night. I waited to confront you until I was confident you were here to stay. Meanwhile, I needed to be out of sight, and certain you would not accidentally discover my lander."

The end of the ridge was a small cliff with boulders jutting out from its face, which we used to descend to the bottom of the cliff. I made a mental note Neval's suit barely made a sound as he traversed the cliff, similar to the "drone" that attacked me earlier. I asked him about it.

"Acoustic camouflage, as your species would call it," he said, guiding me left after we landed at the bottom of the cliff. "While it is impossible to eliminate all sound from material contact, it greatly reduces the frequency and amplitude of sound waves from such contact. Furthermore, any sound waves received from external sources will not be reflected, rendering it virtually impossible to track the user via sonar."

"Is that going to be one of my upgrades?" I raised my eye ridges, astonished. "Because that sounds freaking cool, no pun intended."


I grinned.

We jogged along the slope of the mountain, through a group of trees, and towards a plateau extending naturally from the mountainside. It was devoid of trees, save for a few hanging over the edge of the cliff. Once we were on the plateau, Neval slowed to a walk as though we were close to our destination. I slid to a stop. Something wasn't right.

"Um, where's your ship?" I was suspicious of a trap.

He turned his head towards me. "It is here, but it is cloaked."

I looked ahead of him, searching for the light-rippling nature accommodating cloaking. There was none.

I folded my arms. "Prove it."

Neval stopped, looking ahead. The ship blinked into existence, as if it were a bad CGI edit in a movie. Dim starlight made it difficult to discern its features as I walked forward in awe. It was completely black and 100 feet long. Its body was a cylinder with a diameter of 30 feet, with the front tapering to a dull point like the nose of a commercial airplane. The top half of the front was glossier than the rest of the ship. The four landing legs supporting the ship fused to it, like the aliens had used play-dough to connect the legs. Two rings wrapped around the neck of the ship as well as the back, attached with spokes. The ship didn't have wings. Rocket engines on the back circled around the middle dome, like the back a jet engine, as well as a few rocket engines strategically placed on the front facing forward. There were no stabilizing fins either, though the flat ring spokes were aerodynamic. Everything else was featureless, no logos to speak of, with little to no wear.

"You guys really like black, huh?"

"Black tends to be difficult to see during the night. It is perfect for a stealth vehicle." He was slightly irritated by my remark.

As we approached the ship, it gave a small hiss and a set of stairs peeled off from its underbelly, reflecting dim blue-tinted light radiating from within. The angle of my line of sight blocked the inside. Neval went up the stairs, and as I put my foot on the first step, the outside of the ship cloaked itself again. To the outside observer, I was stepping into another dimension.

My head rose above the floor, followed by the rest of my body. The inside chamber wasn't inviting, to say the least. Blueish light leaked from corners where curved walls met ceilings, lighting the interior. To my right, stairs ascended towards the cockpit, and apparently, another floor was above this one. To my left, a row of inward-facing passenger seats lined both walls. Farther down the chamber was a separating wall with a wide opening in the middle leading to another room with a similar wall at its end.

I lowered to all fours when I reached the top of the stairs; I was too tall for the ceiling. A soft grinding noise behind me prompted me to look back. The stairs curled up to its previous position, steps aligning themselves precisely with the floor, leaving no trace of any exit.

I chastised myself for being so careless as to mindlessly follow an alien into his ship, but I wasn't too hard on myself. It was past midnight and I hadn't gotten any sleep yet, not to mention I was behind on sleep from the previous night as well. I wasn't thinking my best at the moment.

I sauntered over to Neval in the other room, my claws clicking on the metal floor. His head armor was down and he fiddled with something on his wrist. His armor rippled and the scales cascaded up his arms and legs, around his body, and into a flat container on his back, which had straps wrapping around his torso, securing it in place.

He glanced at me as he unstrapped the container from his back and put it into a drawer in the wall. "Cutting-edge Asturnian technology."

I closed my gaping mouth to avoid looking like an idiot. "I don't doubt it."

Silence engulfed the room as he stood there staring at the wall, deep in thought. Under the armor, he wore a navy-blue t-shirt with foreign characters printed on the front and sleeve, along with black athletic shorts. Muscles bulged from under his clothes, bearing an odd resemblance to human muscle groups.

"So, how are you going to upgrade me?" I piped up, embarrassed at the awkward working of my question.

"There is much to explain," He turned to me. "but you have the right to know about your body. I can give you the details if you like, so you will understand what I have to do."

I shrugged. "Sure. The more I know, the better."

Neval nodded. "Then I will tell you as I make preparations."

On the other side of the room, the ceiling drew into itself like the sunroof of a car. Under the new opening, the floor extruded in chunks, each a foot taller than the one before it, forming a staircase to the second floor. I held in my awe this time as I followed Neval up the stairs. We passed through the thickness of the ceiling to the second floor.

This room was virtually identical to the one we came from, with two dividing walls on each end. The only difference was the indentations in the side walls, shaped like the interior of bay windows. Their purpose was unclear, due to the fact every wall was featureless.

Neval walked over to one of the indentations and made strange hand gestures. "You should know your body is not organic, as the only cells residing within you are your brain. The rest is artificial. Essentially, you are an android."

"I figured that was the case." His hand gestures caught my attention. "What are you doing?"

"You will understand shortly. The key component to your survival is known to your species as nanobots. They reside by the trillions in your body, constantly managing the processes within it, and necessarily mending it."

"That's what the tingling was."

"Correct. The mechanism they use to know what and how to mend is called a frame map, which inhabits thousands of microchips throughout your body. Nanobots regularly analyze their local housing anatomy, looking for any inconsistencies with their local frame map. Once they find inconsistencies, they rectify them. This functionality allows me to make minor alterations to your physique by modifying your frame map."

"Huh?" He had given me too much information at once.

He rolled his eyes, still working on something with his odd hand gestures. "I will use your healing capabilities to give you various upgrades. I conduct a similar process when I encounter deadly viruses and bacteria."

"Oh, cool ... May I ask what my upgrades will be?"

"My study of humans indicates they are fond of pleasant surprises, but if you must know, the main upgrade will be the restoring of your neural implant. You may recall the discomfort you experienced as you left the assembly chamber."

"Actually, it was more like torture," I accused as I recalled the painful memory.

Neval glanced at me with sincere eyes. "I apologize for that, but it was the only way to make your escape look unintentional. It bought you the necessary time to escape."

"You're freaking lucky I followed your instructions, by the way." I mocked Neval's voice. "'Hey, you have no idea who I am, but how about you jump into space to save yourself from a threat you don't even know exists. You totally won't come close to suffocating. And yeah, you can trust me because I use long words!'"

"Again, luck resides only in your imagination," Neval said, refusing to react to my mocking. "I could not afford to take chances, so I hypnotized you before you awoke. Your decisions felt like your own, when in truth they were not."

I scowled. "Well, thanks but no thanks. I don't appreciate my mind being tampered with."

"Regardless, the neural implant is an invaluable tool," Neval said, bringing us back from the tangent. "Such a tool in the possession of one ignorant of its uses breeds disaster. I had to disable yours because you had no knowledge of how to use it. I am reworking its operating system so you can understand its processes."

"So, you're dumbing it down for me?"

He shrugged. "Possibly."

"Ha! I'm not that stupid." I grinned. "Anyway, are you done?"

Neval had stopped with the hand gestures and stared at something in front of the wall, evaluating his work. "Yes."

A compartment housing rows of black, flexible wristbands popped out of the wall. Neval plucked one from its spot and turned towards me. "Give me your arm."

I sat on my haunches and held out my left arm, leaning away from him as he fitted the band around my wrist.

"There is no reason to be afraid," he said as he took a step back, staring at my wrist.

"Will it hurt?" My eyes repeatedly bouncing between my wrist and Neval.

He shook his head. "It should be painless, although you may still experience discomfort."

The tingling started at my wrist and shot through the rest of my body within seconds. "What kind of discomfooohhh that feels weird."

I cringed as the tingling in my scales intensified, giving me the impression my entire body was asleep and numb. My body wasn't changing visually, but serious changes were taking place. I squeezed my eyes shut from the nearly unbearable tingling inside them, falling onto all fours as a wave of dizziness pushed me forward. Neval had moved out of the way.

"When will it stop!?" I complained. The answer, if it came, was too late. Obnoxious ringing dominated my hearing, muting my groans and growls. Thoughts of betrayal entered my mind as I questioned whether he had tricked me.  

After a solid minute of harsh tingling, deafness, and moments of blindness, my discomfort level decreased. Touch returned to my scales, my hearing cleared up, and my vision restored itself to vivid sharpness. I was still in the ship. Neval had taken my wristband off and put it back into its compartment. Everything was the same, except for a glowing blue object in the bottom left of my peripheral vision.

I sat back on my haunches, my suspicions lessening. "Did it work?"

Neval nodded, folding his arms. "Indeed, it was successful. The changes should soon be apparent."

I kept turning my head left to see the object in my peripheral vision, but it moved along with the motion of my eyes. I came full circle chasing the elusive object.

"What's that?" I pointed in the direction of the object.

Neval failed to conceal his smirk. "That is a sign everything is operating normally. It will be legible when your implant finishes its startup phase."

Right on cue, the bright blue text became legible as if I looked at it directly, even though it was still in my peripheral vision.





"Woah." I gazed wide-eyed into nothingness. My reaction amused Neval, who let out a half-snort. The older notifications slowly disappeared as they were pushed upward by newer ones.


I jumped when my entire body flashed multiple different colors with quick succession. For a moment, I was a walking rainbow, before turning white again.



"What was that?" I attempted to say. My mouth moved, my neck vibrated in accordance with my vocal chords, and a trace of my voice reached my eardrums through my skull, but nothing came out of my mouth. I clasped my muzzle with both hands, shocked.

Neval had figured out what I tried to say. "It was testing your ability to undergo partial cloaking. Now, it is testing acoustic camouflage, hence your current inability to make noise."

I lowered my hands from my muzzle, nodding in understanding.



I struggled to remain calm as everything except for the text went completely black. The room faded into view again, but in different shades this time. The walls were a deep violet color, while Neval was something straight out of a horror film. The top of his head glowed yellow, his eyes bright orange, and his ears red, with his face featured similar shades of yellow and orange. Darker reds and oranges colored the rest of his body and clothes.

That must be the infrared vision. I figured.

Everything shifted into visible light for a moment before turning a mixture of blues and violets, and eventually black again.


Everything popped back into existence with normal colors, prompting a sigh of relief from me. "Glad that's over."





Ominous incoherent whispering became present in my mind. Concerned, I made eye contact with Neval. "You requested something?"

His face remained motionless as the whispering increased in volume, forming into his reply. "I requested to communicate with you using telepathy, and the test automatically accepted."

The whispering calmed down once he was finished.

"You have telepathy!?" My eye ridges rose in amazement.

He rolled his eyes. "No, I have a neural implant as well. Most of our explorers are endowed with this privilege to assist them on their journeys. It allowed me to learn your language, common phrases, and accent in a matter of hours."

"Yours is broadcasting to mine so I can hear your thoughts?"

He nodded. "In addition to that, I can hear your thoughts. It is two-way communication."

I tested his claim. Can you hear me?

Neval and I awkwardly gazed at each other as the whispering stayed quiet.

"Did you get that?" I asked. "And what's with the creepy whispering in the background?"

"You need to think with the sincere intention of me getting the message. Simply imagining the message is not enough. The implant is smarter than you think; It knows the difference between true intentions and false intentions, as it is not a separate entity from you. It is an extension of you, intimately integrated into the neural pathways of your brain.

"The whispering you hear is my 'thought static', so to speak. Thoughts are fluid; The completion of one is blurred with the inception of the next. Some of these thoughts are stronger than others, and they are occasionally transmitted over a telepathic connection. To respect one's privacy, these 'accidental' thoughts are incomprehensible for the receiver."

"I see." I focused hard on sending him the message, almost talking out loud at the moment of truth.

"Can you hear me now?"

Neval's response was immediate. "You are a quick learner. That is good."

Thanks. I smiled.

"But not too quick, evidently."

I stopped smiling. "Why? Did that not get through?"

He shook his head. "You need practice maintaining your focus. Worry not, it becomes second nature eventually."





As the last notification appeared, the room lit up with holograms of many colors. Red holograms marked the walls, acting as labels for the contents of the drawers now outlined in a dim red. Judging by the labels, this was a medical room. I was sitting on a rectangular hatch in the floor labeled "Operating Table". The indentation in the wall where Neval worked earlier had a blue hologram hovering in front of each of the three inner walls. Each hologram was a different representation of my body accompanied with relevant graphs and diagrams: one was a wireframe, the next was a layout of the microchips scattered throughout my body, and the third was a full-color model of me doing a T-pose.

Along with the new decorations in the room, icons crowded my peripheral vision as if it had turned into a computer screen. Each icon and its label was legible only if I directed my attention towards that part of my vision.

Neval made a few hand gestures at the holograms and they blinked out of existence. "I will teach you about your upgrades, and then we must rest. Hard times await us."

I held up a hand. "I agree, but first do you have water? I'm getting thirsty."

I didn't need to wait for his response, because a blue line appeared in front of me. It extended down the stairs we went up earlier, curved around, and ended at a drawer in one of the lower rooms, labeled "Water". The line was visible even through the floor.

"Never mind." I looked up at Neval. "I got it."

"Go ahead." He gestured towards the stairs. "Be sure to be quick."

I followed the holographic line to my destination, whereupon it dissipated. The compartment popped out of the wall as I reached for it. As I drank from one of the containers, I explored the visual interface. The time was kept in the upper right corner. 2:08 AM. Ugh. The first icon that caught my eye was "Specifications". After I mentally selected it, I browsed the list that popped up. A lot of the stats went over my head, as they were measured in unfamiliar units. A few made my eye ridges rise. It was a surprise to me I weighed 365 pounds, because it certainly didn't feel that way.

When I landed on "Current Stored Power (GWh)", I spewed water from my mouth. "1.21 GIGAWATTS!?"

Neval chimed in from upstairs. "That is gigawatt-hours, mind you."

Shut up. I moaned to myself.

I hurried up the stairs when I was finished. Neval took down the hologram in front of him and started the lesson immediately. "I will condense the information, as we need to sleep well. The neural implant tests have exposed you to your new abilities. Dynamic Pigmentation Camouflage, or Partial Cloaking, changes the color of your scales, blending your body in with your surroundings from a certain perspective. Activating this ability is easy, as your implant intuitively understands the commands you feed it. The only necessity with this ability is you need to select a target or person to which you will become partially cloaked. It is partial because observers from different angles will notice inconsistencies with your surrounding details, not to mention shadows, which are a significant giveaway. Partial Cloaking is still a useful ability, however, as it makes you a difficult target to hit, even with guided projectiles."

I tested the ability as he explained it. Sure enough, it worked. When I selected him as my target, a reticle formed halfway between his eyes, and my body changed its color to match the wall behind me.

After inspecting the odd color differences my hands displayed as I rotated them, I returned to normal color. "What's next?"

"Acoustic Camouflage. You are already familiar with its effects. Activation is similar to Partial Cloaking, except this ability works in all directions due to the nature of sound waves.

"Your eyes are capable of perceiving every wavelength on request. My only advice here is to set a manageable wavelength range, as it becomes more difficult to make sense of your vision the more wavelengths you detect.

"Your implant grants you dozens of abilities, far too many to cover right now." He counted on his fingers. "The most important ones are telepathy, thought acceleration, echolocation, and lie detection. Before I go into more detail, know the holograms you see here aren't real. Your implant overlays them onto the pictures your eyes give you. Anyone without a functioning implant cannot see what you and I see. Now, you have already experienced telepathy. The process of sending, accepting, and denying connection requests should be intuitive. Remember to send your thoughts with purpose, else they will not be heard.

"Thought acceleration is a new concept to you, though the name is self-explanatory. Your implant can enhance the connections between neurons in your brain, accelerating your thinking processes. This is useful for giving yourself more time to think and react in critical situations. This ability is limited, however. The higher you increase the multiplier, the higher the risk of losing your sanity. For now, your brain should tolerate a multiplier of 5 without adverse effects, and I suggest you stay well below 10 for your own sake."

I brought up the thought acceleration option in my interface. It prompted me for a multiplier before it activated. I entered "2" and confirmed. My awareness turned up to eleven. The digital clock in my vision ticked twice as slow. Swiveling my head around took twice as long at first, but my strong neck muscles quickly compensated for the changed pace of time. My mouth hung open as I wiggled my fingers in front of my face.

I looked at Neval, who struggled to hide his amusement. "Woooooooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh."

My speech was twice as slow, which caused the pitch of my voice to tank.

He sent me a connection request, which I accepted. "Telepathy is the preferred medium of communication when accelerating your thoughts. Currently we are communicating twice the normal speed. You can adjust the perceived pitch to compensate for the altered time flow."

I ended the connection, returning my perception to normal. My eyes were bigger than dinner plates. "That was insane!"

Neval didn't waste any time. "Next, echolocation is useful for seeing unseen objects. Your implant does all calculations and overlays the resulting structure onto your vision. Usually, the sound of your breathing is enough for it to work, although it can use noise from other sources as well. The louder, the better.

"Finally, your implant is capable of lie detection. Although it is not accurate all the time, its use is obvious. It only works if you receive the statement audibly, as it must have a tone of voice by which to judge it. A visual of the speaker is helpful as well."

He gave an exhausted sigh, while I yawned. "That is enough information for tonight. Our rest is the priority now."

I followed him down the stairs, which pulled back into the floor as we stepped off. "If you created everything on my body for a purpose, why did you give me a mane?"

"I had to be prepared for every situation you encountered," Neval said as we walked through the first dividing wall. "You would have likely encountered humans as you travelled. I gave you an aesthetically pleasing appearance, such that any humans who encountered you would be less likely to see you as a threat."

He opened the second dividing wall. This room was more of a lounge than the others. One corner was labeled with kitchen supplies, while the other was a doorway to the bunkbeds.

"So, you made me cute?" I asked, hoping I had misinterpreted his answer.

He got a giant pack of bars from the kitchen area and plopped it on the floor in front of me. "Cuteness is subjective. I based your appearance off human's popular opinion of aesthetically pleasing. You need to eat these to replenish your energy."

"Now?" I looked at the bland snacks.

"Yes. Also, I recommend you use your implant's lucid dreaming capabilities to it full extent. Do anything necessary to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead of us. Rest well."

He started towards the doorway to the bunkbeds when I had an idea. I opened the lie detection app in my interface. "Do you think I'm cute?"

He paused and turned towards me, giving me a smug look. "Yes."


I forehead-palmed as he went to his bunk, the sliding door closing behind him.

I tore through the bland snacks in no time. I had never been more eager to fall asleep than now. Fortunately, my new implant had a sleeping function. I collapsed in the middle of the room, out in less than a minute.

Update: This is a rough draft. If you want to read the final draft, you can find it here or purchase it at any of these online stores.

Chaos control! XD

This was the most fun I’ve had writing a chapter yet!  It may or may not have been because I set my inner nerd free for a while.  As you can see, I LOVE using science to explain things.  Who doesn’t these days?

A heads up for the next few months: College is starting back up so my upload frequency may slow a bit.

Feel free to leave a critique.  Be as harsh or as kind as you want.  I don’t mind, as long as you’re giving me useful feedback!


Neval:  neh-VAHL


  •     My brain




© 2017 - 2024 thebigeasy66
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ibibass's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

Wow. Just, wow. This is my favorite chapter so far. I really, REALLY like the whole explanation and addition of new powers here. It really does seem like magic. The whole, "Any technology sufficiently advanced is like magic," really does apply here. Telepathy, invisibility, auditory cloaking (that's a new one for me at least, and of course the reference to Back to the Future made me laugh. The android bit is quite fascinating too. You've definitely taken quite a few different bits of scifi and/or fantasy and made them your own, and I applaud you for that. Good job on this one!

Very well written, although one typo I did notice was "in coherent" when it should be incoherent.